Ten Must-See Films 2022 National Film Festival for Talented Youth

Claire Gostin (who we featured in our Best of Fest article from the 2020 edition of NFFTY) and Alex Casimir’s short documentary Davis Out of the Unknown is a portrait of a family living with Davis, a child who has a rare disease called Koolen-de Vries Syndrome. The disease itself is characterised by a developmental delay from an early age and can manifest into a variety of issues such as regular seizures or intellectual disabilities. Gostin and Casimir choose to capture their doc across a series of interactions with Davis’ family such as a trip to the beach or a soccer game. These interactions offer a brief but intimate insight into the challenges and joys Davis and each of his family members face on a day-to-day basis, giving audiences a fully-rounded awareness of a disease for which there is still no cure.


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